Kathmandu. The social network called Afanta has come into operation with the objective of promoting small, home and small scale industries and businesses as well as developing entrepreneurship. Secretary of the Prime Minister's Office, Dr. Baikuntha Aryal made it public.
Secretary to the Prime Minister's Office Aryal urged the 'relatives' to make good use of it in a way that would help small entrepreneurs and market their products. Expressing his commitment to support the government, he said, "Don't let it get lost in the crowd of apps and networks." Connect products, markets, entrepreneurs. Make it easy for users. '
Shyamprasad, president of the Federation of Nepalese Home and Small Industries and president of Afanta Nepal Pralika, came up with the idea while searching for ways to easily market the products of the sisters, not only the pickles produced by the sisters in the village, but also the products of small and micro entrepreneurs. Giri said.
He said that the relatives have been promoted as a medium for exchanging information between agricultural, industrial and other local producers and wholesalers and retailers and consumers as well as for exchanging information between export producers and external buyers and traders. Giri said that relatives are also a means of interaction between non-Nepalese and Nepali community who love Nepal whether they live in Nepal or not.
You will be able to post photos, videos, articles, blogs and chat on other social networks like 'Afant'. According to Afant Nepal Pvt. Ltd., the operating company can sell any product to customers all over the world through 'Afant' rather than other social media. Its operator and editor, Tej Prasad Dhakal, said that the 'relative', which acts as a bridge between sellers and buyers, is an online common platform for Nepalis. Stating that the aim is to bring all Nepalis together in business, he said that it will be further refined.
The 'relative' platform, which provides employment and also helps those looking for work, will be able to keep detailed information about the manpower required by your company. Those who are looking for a job can also apply for the vacancy they think is suitable. "This is a good platform for small entrepreneurs," said Anjana Tamrakar of NPEDC. "Entrepreneurs are facing problems due to lack of market." This is a great opportunity. "
Kush Kumar Joshi, former president of the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI), said that the more relatives we have, the more we can use this app. Joshi said, "Through this network, goods produced in the corners of the country can be sold." The goods and goods produced in the villages can be sold through this platform, said relative Nepal Pvt. Ltd. We will focus on how to promote the enterprise business of ordinary Nepalis, "said Dhakal, the director of Afant Nepal." We plan to move forward with the federal, state and local governments. "The app can be downloaded in both Android and iOS versions.
Umesh Prasad Singh, acting president of the Federation of Nepalese Small and Household Industries, said that the kinship platform could be taken forward by linking it with business in a multi-dimensional manner. Stating that there is an opportunity to connect Nepalis living abroad with Nepal, Nepali and Nepali products, he said that producers with Nepali identity should be able to take advantage.